Our Work

Harnessing the Power of Data to Drive Change

That Which is Measured, Improves

Our ambition to transform the reentry workforce landscape started with three simple but critical questions. What's working? What's not working? And is there opportunity for improvement?

Measure the Impact

Our mission is to thoroughly examine current workforce trends and boldly tackle inequities that hinder employment opportunities. We will leverage data to extract valuable insights, evaluate the impact of reintegration programs, and enhance collaboration and coordination across various systems.

Impact Equitable Justice is striving to become the trusted source for reentry workforce development information and expertise. Support our mission by joining our community of monthly donors committed to driving change.

We Need Your Support

Data Report: The Consideration of Criminal Records

Florida at a Glance

In a recent study, Florida ranked 51st overall and received a "D" in both categories. 

These findings set a clear and compelling vision of the path forward for Impact Equitable Justice.

Source: Many Roads to Reentry to Reintegration, Collateral Consequences Resource Center

What We Work On

We Remove Barriers a Resume Alone Can’t ™

Job Access & Entry Points

Cross-sectional strategies to promote broad change that reduce disparities in job access and entry.

Equitable Hiring Strategies

Unmatched guidance and support for companies looking to next level their Fair Chance Employment Practices.

Certificates of Relief

Education and support to impacted individuals seeking relief from work related collateral consequences.

Microenterprise Support

Entrepreneurship training to level the playing field and help create a culture conducive to business creation and self employment.

Higher Education in Prison

We work to increase awareness on the benefits of higher education and how it can be used to increase the odds of post release employment.

Occupational Licensing Reform

We advocate for improved decision criterion that eases restrictions and weigh individual circumstances and rehabilitation efforts.

Workforce Transformation & Systems Change

Impact Equitable Justice Inc is spearheading a critical statewide initiative to meticulously analyze and evaluate current workforce processes and their impact on Floridians with criminal justice involvement. Our primary aim is to identify areas for policy and practice improvement.

Through a robust collaborative problem-solving approach, we are committed to driving fair workforce practices and policies that will expedite the employment or reemployment of justice involved individuals. Check out our solutions video here to learn more about this work or email us if you are interested in joining our steering committee.

Join us

Maximizing Impact

Through Shared Vision

We are looking to build a network of valued partners and experts who share our vision to create a more inclusive and equitable workforce.

Partner with IEJI
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