Job Seeker Solutions

"Some of the Hardest Work is Being Out of Work"

What We Provide

Employment Support

& Workforce Advocacy

Breaking Down the Stigma of a Criminal Record

We understand that navigating the job market with the stigma of a criminal record can be challenging and equally frustrating. The good news is that you have an ally! IEJI serves as an intermediary or a go-between so that you can feel supported throughout the entire job search process.

We provide free advocacy and employment support to job seekers with complex workforce issues. Our Employment Justice Advocates (EJAs) address the underlying causes of poor workforce participation instead of just addressing the symptoms. By using a root cause strategy, IEJI clients have sixty-five percent (65%) more success in finding and retaining work or advancing in their current job.

How it works

Answer a few simple questions and get started on your work journey!

Fill in the form

Complete the questionnaire so we know some basic details about you, and get a general sense of what you're looking for. 

Get a customized plan

Schedule an appointment with an advocate to identify any systemic barriers and map out a strategy to overcome those barriers.

We take action

We leverage our existing networks and connections to advocate and create opportunities for employment and career advancement.


We continuously touch base with you after placement to ensure continued progress and build in extra support to combat any derailment.

Get Started

Other Employment-Focused Initiatives

Non-Custodial Parent (NCP) Support

Have you recently lost your job, experiencing loss of income, or are behind on your child support payments? If so, our Parenting Responsibly Employment Program (P.R.E.P.) is a free program for eligible non-custodial parents who have significant barriers to employment and are struggling to meet their child support obligation. P.R.E.P. offers an array of employment-focused services to help non-custodial parents overcome barriers and achieve self-sufficiency and income stability. For more information, download our free brochure or click below to begin the journey to Responsible Parenting.

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Probation and Pretrial Support

Evidence of stable legal employment plays a critical role in the process for court-involved individuals. The stigma of a criminal record is one of the greatest barriers to finding employment and meeting conditions of release. Impact Equitable Justice Inc provides demand-driven workforce preparation and employment support to system-involved job seekers. Individuals must be willing to fully participate in work ready skill development and other work programs offered through the One Stop. Upon completion of training or job placement, our community forensic liaisons will communicate employability, skills mastery, and other prosocial gains to the Department of Corrections and/or Court Officials. Contact us to learn more. 

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New Service Alert

Decarceration Employment Support

Let's face it, an arrest can be disruptive, dehumanizing, and destabilizing. The economic impact stemming from an arrest often times is far reaching and devastating to low income individuals and families. IEJI's supportive employment service helps recently detained individuals re-adjust and forge a path forward. This free community service provides advocacy and support to elifgible individuals awaiting trial and experiencing suspension from work or termination, loss of income, employment hardship, or other punitive career consequences. Contact us for more information about the service or to check eligibility.

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